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Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance Policy

Nemat Inc. Quality Assurance Policy is to meet customer’s specifications as noted on the products drawings and standards. We will strive to exceed these specifications if it can be accomplished without sacrificing cost or lead time objectives. All specifications MUST be communicated and updated in writing; hence verbal communications are not accepted.

This is accomplished by thoroughly understanding customers’ specification and developing a “Capable Process” to achieve them. This process is documented and is used as “Standard Work”. All employees MUST follow this process exactly to assure compliance with “Copy Exact” expectations.

Employees performing work are ultimately responsible to produce products to set specifications. A “Check-Do-Check” in process procedure is established to increase the possibility of identifying and correcting errors as they occur in real time. This process is implemented from Order Entry to Engineering/Programming to Production and through the Shipping processes.

The Quality Assurance Department is established to monitor adherence to processes and specifications for internal and contracted work. This is accomplished by developing quality standards and ensuring employees’ and suppliers’ adherence to such standards. All employees and Quality Assurance personnel are authorized to stop any non-conformance and escalate the issue up to and including the customer.  Issues MUST be reviewed, root caused, and corrected expeditiously.

We guarantee conformance to specifications and stand behind the products and services we provide. Our performance reviews, reward programs, and disciplinary action policy are developed based on employees following quality standards and producing quality products and services.

Metrology Department, located in an environmentally controlled facility, with:


• Manual and Programmable CNC Coordinate Measuring Machines

• Precision Surface Measuring Equipment

• Microscopes

• Varian Leak Detector

• Hardness Tester

• Optical Comparator

• Conventional Inspection Equipment and Gauges


All inspection equipment is calibrated to MIL-STD-45208 and MIL-STD-45662A calibration system requirements.

©2022 by Nemat inc.. Proudly created by Wealth Media Group.

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